
In the fall of 2009 I was contacted by Kristiina A. Vogt, a professor at the University of Washington, to provide illustrations for her textbook on environmental sustainability, Sustainability Unpacked: Food, Energy and Water for Resilient Environments and Societies.

I ended up creating around 20 illustrations for the book. Not all were used, but the ones chosen suited the book the best. I've provided a little context for each image to explain how they relate to the topics discussed in the book.

The Global Conductor creating a natural symphony

"Finally, the tree access port in my laptop comes in hand!"
 Wood materials may one day be used to produce methanol to power many appliances.

Tree Harvesting from Jamaica to Europe

The link between deforestation and migration

The International Community can restrict who can live in an area with conservation value.

Determining sustainability solutions based on limited information is akin to judging a house to have no beds by only looking into one room.

Competition for Water Supply

The General Public is unaware of what goes into producing the food they eat.

Trees are able to adapt to many different climates and locations.


Here are some illustrations I did that weren't deemed essential by the publisher, Earthscan. I like them though.

 This is an early sketch for the cover of "Sustainability Unpacked." Earthscan eventually decided to go in a different different.

 This image is the flip-side to the "no beds" illustration. One cannot determine the state of the house just by looking at its front.

Alternate Tree Adaptation Illustration

"Too bad you can't DRINK this alcohol."
Alternate methanol illustration.

The Ol' Swimmin' Hole

Water Rationing

Alternate "Whatta nice house!" Illustration

Water As International Currency

Sometimes the goal of sustainability can seem daunting.

Alternate Tree Harvesting Illustration

 Rather than taking the trees ourselves we use a middle man now.

 Thanks again to Kristiina A. Vogt, Maura Shelton, and everyone involved in the book. I had a great time doing it and I can't wait for the next one.